

Steve Chappell, E-RYT, has studied and practiced yoga with the Self Realization Fellowship, Ananda Marga Society, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Siddha Yoga Dham Association, Himalayan Institute of Yoga, the Hard and the Soft Astanga Yoga Institute, and the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Association. Steve was certified to teach Iyengar Yoga in 1988 and is presently authorized to teach Astanga (Power) Yoga by Beryl Bender Birch of The Hard & The Soft Astanga Yoga Institute. Steve has also completed Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series Teacher Training with David Swenson and studied with many other local, national, and internationally known teachers.


Classes are offered at various locations in Beavercreek, Bellbrook, Centerville, and Kettering. Please visit the Schedule page of this website for class days, times, fees, registration, and other information. You may also email or call 937-367-1436 if you have any questions.


Fees for yoga classes vary at different locations. For private yoga instruction the fee is a sliding scale based on the principle of Dana (generosity) in which you give from your heart an amount determined by the value of what you believe you have received and/or your ability to pay. Please see the Schedule page for fee information at various sites and the Meditation page for a further description of Dana.

Class Descriptions:

Yoga, Yoga Flow, or Hatha Yoga (Beginning & Continuing) is a system of relaxation, breathing, exercise, and meditation designed to reduce stress, increase energy, and improve strength, flexibility, balance, alignment, cardio-vascular endurance, and concentration leading to health and self-awareness. In this class you will learn and practice techniques that will cleanse, detoxify, and purify the body, mind, emotions, and spirit for stress-management, health, and self-realization. Yoga can also improve self-esteem, confidence, decision-making, and insight into everyday problems. This class will be an eclectic style of yoga and meditation based on sound principles of traditional yoga practice. It is a mixed level yoga class suitable for beginners and continuing students with yoga experience.

Power Yoga (Intermediate) is a continuation of the Hatha Yoga class for students who have prior experience with yoga and are prepared for a more challenging practice. We will explore and practice more advanced techniques such as inversion poses, arm balances, transitional movements (vinyasa flow), and investigate more refined techniques of alignment, breath control, and meditation.

Free Style Yoga is a unique style of yoga class offering an intuitive and creative approach to practice where you listen inwardly for guidance about what posture or movement is right for you in the moment. The class will begin and end with instruction, relaxation, and meditation in order to cultivate and develop awareness of our innate intelligence of knowing and following what’s right or wrong in every aspect of our lives on or off the yoga mat. Popular & inspirational music will be played throughout the class in order to support spontaneous yoga postures, creative movement, and the ability to listen within for one’s inner guidance.

Ashtanga/Power Yoga (Beginning/Modified) is a Beginners Instructional class based on the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Beryl Bender Birch and David Swenson. Sometimes referred to as Power Yoga, this traditional system of yoga is more physically challenging than a typical Hatha yoga class. This style of yoga is cleansing, purifying, and therapeutic with an emphasis on strength, flexibility, balance, musculoskeletal alignment, endurance, and concentration. Although we will approach Ashtanga Yoga in a relaxed, fun, and approachable way, this class is for those students who are reasonably fit with prior yoga experience.

Introductory Yoga and Gentle Yoga teaches relaxation techniques, mindfulness of breathing, and yoga postures. You will learn gentle stretching and meditation for strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, peace of mind, stress-management, and overall wellness. Beginners to yoga at any fitness level are welcome. Exercise and instruction will be modified to meet everyone’s needs.

Continuing Yoga is a continuation of Introductory Yoga class for students who have prior experience with yoga and are prepared for a more challenging practice. You will explore and practice more advanced yoga exercises and investigate more refined techniques of alignment, mindfulness of breath, and meditation.

Senior Yoga and Yoga for Seniors is a balanced workout using the classical relaxation, breathing, exercise, and meditation techniques of Hatha Yoga to create strength, flexibility, balance, musculoskeletal alignment, endurance, mental and emotional clarity, stress-management, increased energy and vitality, and health and well-being for senior adults.

Deep Stretch is a gentle (Yin) approach to yoga poses or exercises that are practiced on the floor. The poses will be held longer than normal in order to access, gently stretch, and rehabilitate deeper tissues of the body such as ligaments, joints, fascia (connective tissue), and even bones. All levels are welcome to this class.

Hatha Hot Yoga is a variety of flowing poses practiced in a heated room which warms your body for deeper stretching and flexibility. Some benefits of hot yoga are: sweating and flushing toxins out of the body for health and healing; increased range of motion in joints, etc.; reduction and relief of back, muscle, and arthritic pain; lowered blood pressure; boost of immune system; weight reduction; improved circulation and energy level. This class is for beginning to continuing students with yoga experience.

Chair Yoga is an enjoyable and refreshing routine of fitness exercises for anyone whose condition requires exercising in and/or with a chair. Anyone who can sit in a chair can benefit from this program of gentle breathing, stretching, and relaxation. Benefits include improved breathing, posture, flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, circulation, blood pressure, immunity to disease, energy, stress-reduction, and peace of mind.

Yoga & Abs is for those who want to focus on strengthening their abdominal and core muscles for a toned and sculpted look as well as creating new patterns of stabilized movement that train your body for routine activities, everyday chores, and movements such as carrying groceries, picking up your kids and grand kids, and reaching up into your closet or shelf. The development of core strength improves your posture, protects your lower back, helps to avoid injury, and produces more effectiveness in competitive sports. Core muscles play a vital role in creating the balance, stability, and strength we need to lead healthy, productive lives and experience overall health and well-being. Core strengthening allows us to walk and move through life with grace and ease and is extremely important for older adults in order to reduce the risk of injuries from falls.


Yoga is a system of personal development, wellness, therapy, health and healing that brings body, mind, emotions, and spirit into harmony. The practice of yoga calms the mind; manages emotions; reduces stress and tension; improves concentration, balance, strength, flexibility, musculoskeletal alignment, energy, endurance; and connects the practitioner to their inner essence or spirit for peace of mind, self-discovery, and self-realization.

Equipment and Preparation:

Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. Bring a mat, towel, or blanket to practice on and a cushion for meditation if desired. You may also bring water or any other props to support and facilitate your practice. Please do not eat a heavy meal before class.

Private Instruction:

Individual Yoga and Yoga Therapy instruction are available at your or a predetermined site. Fees at your site will be higher due to travel time and related costs. Please call or email Steve for further information and/or an appointment.


Classes are offered at various locations. Please see the Schedule page of this web site for further information.

~ Testimonies ~

Steve Chappell is our extraordinary Meditation and Yoga teacher… he is also our Life Coach and personal mentor. He has inspired our personal growth and development and opened new ways of thinking and coping. Wendy and I are forever grateful for Steve.
~ Steve W. and Wendy L.

Hey Steve, thank you for all of your teaching and support with meditation and yoga…. and, well, life! We are grateful and honored to know you.
~ Steve W. & Wendy L

I agree with Steve and Wendy! Steve Chappell is a tremendous and caring Meditation and Yoga teacher. His Life Coaching is top notch and I, too, am forever grateful for his mentoring. He has changed my life for the better! Thank you Steve.
~ Barb L.

Steve taught me the basics of yoga so well and so patiently to this day I am still practicing and have progressed greatly. I will never forget him!!
~ Karen M.

Just wanted to tell you how much Joe and I have enjoyed your yoga classes.They seem better and better with each session. We really feel like we have had a good workout when we leave and also feel less stressed. In fact, your classes have become so large, you may have enough participation to offer it 2nights per week – we would be interested! I do believe it really helps my knee and hip with the flexibility and to decrease pain. Hopefully, I can continue to postpone knee and hip replacement through yoga.
~ Joe and Debbie M.

I still think you should record your guided meditations that you do for yoga. They seem to help me more than any of the ones I go to on the internet.

I also wanted to repeat that my joint pain (sacroiliac) has virtually disappeared! I expected it to come back with the cold weather, but it hasn’t yet! I do still feel it slightly at times, but before I did yoga, it was becoming increasingly painful for about three years, and I was having to take Advil more and more often. Now I haven’t needed it at all. What yoga did for my sacroiliac joint seems like magic!

This week has been so stressful, but loved the group today. Actually, today it was more about the group than the yoga. Everyone seemed almost giddy, lots of laughter! I needed that so badly! I’m not really into laughter yoga, but I like laughter WITH yoga!

I’m so grateful for your yoga class! Thank you!
~ Kathy A.

Yoga deals with your mind, body and spirit. It contributes greatly to your health and happiness.

Your mind processes thoughts and ideas more clearly. Your body becomes stronger, more balanced and flexible.

Your spirit or attitude becomes more positive and uplifting.
~ Bob D.

Nearly everyone was bright and bushy-tailed at the Beavercreek senior yoga class this morning (well, except for one member who fell asleep in a yoga pose)! Almost full attendance! We are all brave souls, but it’s also a tribute to Steve Chappell, our yoga instructor!
~ Kathy A.

Hi Steve…

I really enjoyed class last night! Again, you just seemed to know what we needed. The core work and the balance stuff and the sun salutations…My body was sweating really good. I slept like a baby last night and I needed to do that! Thanks dear teacher! My body is in a happy place!
~ Barb

Happy birthday, Steve! So glad you’re in this world and in my life! You’ve really made a difference!
~ Kathy A.

I have a torn shoulder rotator cuff. The tear is over 20 years old with a more recent smaller tear as well. Because the pain is manageable and the range of motion is excellent the orthopod has dismissed surgery. The range of motion is due to over 10 years practicing yoga. The stretching has enhanced the range of motion and the movement through the various postures has strengthened the muscles around the rotator cuff to compensate for its damage.
~ Roger Alexander